Heather Bradley gives us ‘the gist’ on where to get sports news

My husband and I raised three boys and I always believed that sports did more to unite the world than most people realized; at the same time, the sport perspective was almost exclusively male – not unlike politicians running the world.
The lack of any perspective other than male, never felt quite right. I would remind my boys that what they were hearing didn’t necessarily represent the views of fifty percent of the world’s population.
And then, along came The Gist.
The Gist is a newsletter covering sports in Canada and the U.S., and I love it! It’s a women led, inclusive, sports news aggregate. It covers sports that I want to know about and does so in snippets of information that are easy and fun to read.
It also shares the basics of each sport so you can understand components like how the playoffs unfold or the rules of a game. It also features a podcast, with content that is clever, witty and fun. Once you become a Gister, you’ll never look back!